Integration Union: A True Path To Emotional Healing And Spiritual Growth
Aug 18, 2023
Integration Union: A True Path To Emotional Healing And Spiritual Growth
In my last blog post, Spiritual By-Passing, I explained why transcendence is a false path to achieving spiritual growth and development. Now I'd like to present a true path to emotional healing and spiritual growth called Integration Union.
When you integrate your negative thoughts, emotions, and their underlying issues, you do meet them head-on. Integrate means to make into a whole by bringing all parts together; to unify. When you unify those unhealed parts of yourself into oneness, you are freed from dealing with them again. True emotional healing and spiritual growth occurs and it raises your vibration.
As an ascension coach, I teach my students a simple Integration Technique.
- With your imagination, create a hollow energy sphere.
- Give the sphere the command to spin at the speed of Divine Compassion. This will create a field of compassion inside the sphere.
- Now give yourself the command to breathe your negative thought, belief, trigger, past related memories, and emotions about the issue in question, into the Sphere of Compassion.
- Continue with deep breaths until you have released it all into the Sphere.
- Open your heart and send a stream of Divine Love into the Sphere.
This causes all the energy inside the sphere to start vibrating faster and faster until it is all vibrating at the speed of Divine Love. This raises the negative energy with love, resulting in an integration union. That particular negative thought will not surface again and even if it does, it will not be charged with emotion. The trigger will no longer launch you into a self-sabotaging emotional reaction. This allows you to respond consciously with respect and compassion. True emotional healing and spiritual growth occur with integration.