Healy currently delivers 144,000 frequencies
to support you in the following areas...

I know what you're thinking...

It sounds too good to be true, right?

Below are just a handful of real accounts, from real people achieving great results with Healy.

I’ve been on the search for years for other ways to support my clients. Nutrition alone is not enough. We are not just a physical body but mind, emotions, spirit, energy, information and frequency. When I found this device it was like a dream come true, it’s everything I’ve been looking for and more. The transformations that I’ve seen in myself and my clients are life changing. So, so happy to have found Healy.

Liz Sheehan

Nutritional Therapist

I woke up with a very painful shoulder. Lifting my arm caused me excruciating pain! Driving the car was tricky too. I ran Local Stimulation program on my Healy, followed by a Gold Cycle Program ‘Release’ and Deep Cycle. The next day, I woke feeling much better, and whilst I still feel a bit tender in that area, I can move my arm without limitations. Thank you Healy and for a healthy body.

Catherine Godward


I used to experience poor sleep. I’d generally take 2 hours to get to sleep each night. Then if I woke, it would take another 20 mins to get back to sleep. Since using my device I am asleep within 5 mins and stay asleep all night. It has been life changing.

Lisa Revell

Career Coach

My health transformation is remarkable. I no longer carry the burdens and trauma of 20 years working in emergency care settings. After just 3 weeks, I felt calm, relaxed and connected and no longer experience the incessant worry, fear or stress I was suffering daily prior to using Healy.

Rachael Lee

Registered Nurse

More Video Testimonials

Your next step...

A personal Bioenergetic Analysis

Schedule a complimentary Zoom call with me. Experience the Healy in action. We will use the Resonance App to read the frequencies in your energy field find out which frequencies are out of balance and which programs will restore balance.

Then receive a transmission of those balancing frequencies. 

I'll answer any remaining questions and if you decide to move forward,
I'll help you place your order.

We look forward to supporting you in unlocking abundant health, happiness and harmony.

Schedule A Complimentary Call

Frequently Asked Questions

Your next step...

If you have questions, require more information or are simply ready to welcome Healy into your life, schedule a complimentary phone call with me.

I look forward to supporting you in unlocking abundant health, wealth and harmony.

Schedule A Complimentary Call