Sacred Union
Relationship Upgrade

Your Inner Technology For Creating Soul-Nourshing Relationships

  • Heal and Unite Your Inner Family
  • Upgrade Your Relationship Blueprint
  • Create Soul-Nourshing Relationships

Sacred Union Relationship Upgrade
With Suzanna Kennedy


Here's What The Sacred Union Upgrade Can Do For You

If you're an awakened being who wants to get free from the enslavement grid, release the Illusion of Separation from your subconscious mind and who is serious about creating soul-nourishing relationships, here's why you can't wait and you need to act on this right now.

Sacred Union Relationship Upgrade Eliminates:

  • Emotional triggers and hot buttons, so you can be present, respond consciously and compassionately to yourSelf and others.
  • The fear of abandonment so you can finally speak your truth and create healthy boundaries.
  • Unhealthy relationship patterns so you can attract people of integrity who treat you with love, honor and respect.
  • Hidden and suppressed emotional pain so you can heal your broken heart and once again trust in love.
  • Illusion of Separation in your subconscious programming so you can open to multi-dimensional living.

Sacred Union Relationship Upgrade Delivers:

  • Rapid healing of your Inner Male, Inner Female and Inner Child and gets them working together in Sacred Union.
  • Graceful upgrading of your relationship blueprint.
  • An easy path to creating soul-nourishing relationships.
  • A download of your next Higher Self into your body for integration and expression.
  • And, as a special bonus, you'll also discover a video to remind you of who you really are and what you came here to do!

Sacred Union Relationship Upgrade
Package Includes

Triple Flame Activation

Use this 45-minute guided meditation before the upgrade session to clear your chakras and meridian pathways so the energy you are releasing and receiving can flow through easily and gracefully, without any resistance.

Sacred Union Upgrade

This 50-minute guided meditation delivers the Sacred Union Upgrade. Each time you use it, your Inner Family will draw closer in Sacred Union. Then your outer relationship will reflect the Sacred Union within.

Integration Meditation

Use this 30-minute meditation after upgrade to help you to gracefully integrate the quantum change in frequency. You are guided to call in different high frequencies such as love, joy, peace, bliss into your energy field and body.

Discover Relationship Blueprint

After completing this discovery session, you will understand how and why you created your past relationship reality. You’ll be able to stay present and consciously choose your response instead of being triggered.

"I am feeling much more connected to myself and others. The beauty that is emerging is amazing! This adventure of self-discovery and connection to source is much more than I ever imagined. I am divine peace. I am divine wisdom. I am divine love. A pillar of lightā€¦ the words of the upgrade fill my being with a surge of power and compassion for all. I weep tears of joy and gratitude for the new depth of meaning and energy that is transforming my every moment."

Debra Lewis

"Before the upgrade I would try to prove my self worth by taking care of people. I was a people-pleaser. I would be careful not to offend anyone, so that everyone would like me. All of this was at my own expense, putting myself last, everyone else before me. Well, not any more. Since these upgrade, my relationship with MYSELF has blossomed. Itā€™s not that Iā€™ve stopped caring about others. Quite the contrary! I find that the more loving and nurturing I am to myself, the more others benefit. Taking care of myself first is a MAJOR KEY to my growth.ā€¯"

Sandra Baille

"During the session I was enveloped in this loving energy. A consciousness that was me, opened to me, and revealed the fact that Iā€™m not just this person that I know myself to be ā€” that I can be more. And it welcomed me to take the journey to be more. It flowed and evolved to the point where I feel joy and peace and love."

Ana Zach

"The sessions where a beautiful experience in themselves. It felt safe at all times and I was comfortable because every step appeared to be activated through my conscious participation. The energy was set up and built during the session and it felt very loving and powerful."

Ellen Nagy

Your Package Includes These Bonuses

Act Now and You Also Get These Bonuses
To Accelerate Your Sacred Union Success

Radiant One Activation

This beautiful short movie delivers the Radiant One Activation. It activates your deep soul memory for who you really are and why you are here.

I AM Power Activation

This video supports you in anchoring more and more of your Divine, I AM Presence in your body until you experience full-time embodiment.

On-Going Support

Join our Awakening Unity Consciousness Group for support, inspiration and community while you move through your transformational journey.

Get Your Sacred Union Upgrade Today

Click the button to get the Sacred Union Upgrade now and start paving the way to soul-nourishing relationships. The opportunity is right here, right now... You just need to take it.


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